Organizer:Art Bridge Gallery
Co-Organizer:Fu Chun Cultural And Art Center
Opening:May 1.2020
Address: D09-1 No.4,798Art zone Jiuxianqiao Road,Chaoyang District,Beijing,China
媒体支持:艺术中国 在艺 雅昌艺术网 青桐创媒 艺厘
Media:art.china.cn / zaiart / artron.net / platan creative media / artcm
前 言 | Foreword
—— 一辰 | Yi Chen
Oil painting is the art of visual aesthetics. Theintroduction of oil painting that reflects the spirit of European culture intoChina has a history of more than 100 years.
Corot, the great French master of realism painting inthe 19th century, advocates the laws of nature and advocates that natureprecedes everything. Corot has a motto “be sincere andconfident!”-Like a child, without any prejudice to observe and express thenature. Oil painting is the most effective way to understand and control color,so the relationship between sketch and color is very tight. It is a portrayalof nature. Nature itself is rich in color. Due to the difference in light,weather and time, it produces its subtle changes. Therefore, in the process ofsketching, it is necessary to constantly modify, contrast and echo therelationship of space, structure, color, light and dark, so as to achieveharmony and beauty. Although sketching is the painting that face the nature, it is not just to make nature appears butalso to focus on the discovery and expression of nature. Sketching is also acombination of realism and freehand brushwork. During the period ofImpressionism, Cezanne was known as the father of modern painting. Most of hisworks are sketches that facing the nature, but the images he painted are notonly objective and true, but also have many subjective factors. Intentionalsketching pursuit of self and nature.
“Now take everything as a master and vitality asfortune, and me as creator.” That is the unity of artistic objects and subjectivecreation. A total of 24 sketches of oil paintings by 13 artist are exhibited inthe exhibition. The works are realistic or freehand, with various expressionstyles and different interests.
作品预告 | Upcoming Works
白晓刚《拉萨八廓街》50×55cm 布面油画 2010
Bai Xiaogang,Lhasa Barkhor Street,50×55cmOil on canvas,2010
鲍培《彩石山》70×55cm 布面油画 2010
Bao Pei,Colorful Mountain,70×55cmOil on canvas,2010
康蕾《西藏–珠峰》40×40cm 坦培拉 2015
Kang Lei,Tibet Everest,40×40cmTempera,2015
李延洲《渐变初秋》80×80cm 布面油画 2011
Li Yanzhou,Gradient early autumn,80×80cmOil on canvas,2011
潘皓《深秋》60×80cm 布面油画 2015
Pan Hao,Deep Autumn,60×80cmOil on canvas,2015
汪鹏飞《拉卜楞36号》80×100cm 布面油画 2015
Wang Pengfei,36 Labrang,80×100cmOil on canvas,2015
喻昌农《雨后秋色》90×110cm 布面油画 2009
Yu Changnong,Autumn after the rain,90×110cmOil on canvas,2009
袁元《苏州,西园寺之一》直径80cm 布面油画 2017
YuanYuan,Suzhou, Xiyuan Temple No.1diameter 80cm,oil on canvas,2017
张曙光《养马岛》70×80cm 布面油画 2010
Zhang Shuguang,Yangma Island,70×80cmOil on canvas,2010
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