ArtStation has released an update to our platform and Terms of Service giving you more control over how your work may be used. When you tag your projects with “NoAI” ArtStation will automatically assign an HTML “NoAI” meta tag. This will explicitly disallow the use of your content by AI systems. We’ve also updated our Terms of Service to prohibit companies from using NoAI-tagged content to train AI art generators.
We’ve added an account setting you can use to tag all of your current and future projects as NoAI. To access it, open your Profile menu, click Settings, then in the Account section check the box next to “NoAI Tagging” and click Save.

We encourage you to be as transparent in your process as possible, including the correct sIf you prefer, you can do so on a project-by-project basis when you edit or upload a project by using the Tags section.

We want to give artists more control over their publicly posted work. We’ve implemented this because AI’s use and its place in copyright law is new and unsettled, leaving open many questions about copyright law’s enforceability against use of work in AI. Adding the “NoAI” tag empowers you to clarify that regardless of the state of copyright law, use of your work in AI is not permitted.
We encourage you to be as transparent in your process as possible by including the correct software, subject matter, and medium. This helps to ensure your work will be visible to the right audience and provide a better browsing experience for everyone who uses ArtStation.
Over the past few months, we’ve been working on other ways we can create a more personalized homepage for the wide range of artists who use the platform. While we won’t be able to release these changes before the end of the year, we are experimenting with different ways of giving users more control over what they see and how they browse ArtStation.
Check out the update Terms of Service or Help Center FAQ for more information or contact our support team for any assistance.