A painting by Venetian Renaissance artist Giorgione (1473/74–1510) has been found among the Bavarian State Painting Collections in Munich, Germany.
The double portrait of the young Giovanni Borgherini from Florence with his teacher and Venetian polymath Trifone Gabrieleau has been on display at the Green Gallery in Munich since 2011. After a comprehensive analysis by art historians and a technological investigation, three other compositions were discovered hidden beneath the surface of the painting.
These efforts provided rare insight into the the working methods of Giorgio da Castelfranco (1473/74–1510), known as Giorgione, who despite his early death had a major impact on the art of his time.
“The painting is of inestimable value, it is a spectacular stroke of luck for the Alte Pinakothek and a sensation for Italian art history,” Andreas Schumacher, head of the collection for Italian paintings at the Alte Pinakothek, told Monopol.
“The discovery of a Giorgione in the Bavarian State Painting Collections is a true Christmas miracle!” Bavaria’s Minister of Art Markus Blume exclaimed.
The portrait is now on permanent display at the Alte Pinakothek.